Explore Community Information | Connie & Jamie Real Estate in Napa, California

$ 525,000.00
Napa, CaliforniaCONTACT
  • 08/01/2024
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Discover valuable community information with Connie & Jamie Real Estate. Explore insights on neighborhoods, schools, local amenities, and more to find the perfect place to call home in your desired...

  • Total Price:$ 525000
  • Currency:USD
  • No of bathrooms:1
  • No of bedrooms:3
  • Available date:8/1/2024 12:00:00 AM
  • Pets allowed:Unspecified
  • Smoking allowed:Unspecified
  • Is near school:Unspecified
  • Is near transit:Unspecified
  • Is near major routes:Unspecified
  • Is near shpping:Unspecified
  • Is parking available:Unspecified
  • Is parking available:Unspecified
  • House type:Unspecified
  • Building type:Unspecified
  • Features:

Full Description

Discover valuable community information with Connie & Jamie Real Estate. Explore insights

on neighborhoods, schools, local amenities, and more to find the perfect place to call home in your desired area.

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