Full Description
Want to buy a home but don't qualify for a mortgage?"
I will buy a home for you and sell it to you via no credit qualifying owner financing DM
This is an example of a property we have or had under contract. The payment is an example of what this and/or similar properties sold for. Due to the inherent nature of properties in our inventory constantly selling, and the “sticky” nature of postings on the Internet, this home may or may not be available at the time you inquire. Please call to get a current accurate list of our existing available inventory. If we don’t have a home that matches your needs: WE CAN BUY YOU ONE that matches exactly what you are looking for. We do NOT rent homes. Any and all homes are available strictly
for sale via cash or no credit qualifying owner financing variable. Upon contract expectancy and remittance of requisite down payment and monthly payment, you will become the legal owner of the property with bona fide title. You will receive the mortgage interest deduction and homestead exemption. You can become the legal owner of this or a similar property today with all the rights associated with “conventional” home ownership. How do we do this legally? To find out how we do this legally, simply give us a call. We look forward to working with you and making your home ownership dreams a reality. We are real estate investors with a legal and/or equitable title interest in this property, so we make all the decisions with no 3rd party Realtors or middlemen.